Feb 11, 2009

Search for The Golden Article

This article is written in search of a Golden article for my blog. What does GOLDEN article means. It means an article that will generate more money regardless of the number of views.

Here are the few things that I think will make a Golden Article. You can leave a comment and let me know what are your ideas about a golden article.

1. Find Keywords that are priced high by advertiser. Even if you received only few clicks on your ads you can generate more income by a single click.

2. Find an article that talks about something expensive. The advertiser might be willing to pay more for a reason that they generate good income for every customers we bring to them.

3. Find an article that no one else has written yet or atleast only few people have written about it. It should be something that can make you on the top search engine.

4. I noticed that some of my articles make it to top few pages of the search engine without trying hard. I just post at ehow and Surprisingly I made it to number one. Google must really love ehow articles.

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